Should You Be Concerned About Your Electrical Outlets? Accredited claims adjusters have extensive experience in property assessment and risk management and when it comes to a small item that plays a critical role in the safety and functionality of a property, electrical outlets shouldn’t be overlooked. Knowing when it's time...
Hail Damage On Roofs
How Accredited Claims Adjusters Investigate Hail Damage on a Home in 2024 Homes and businesses are built to withstand wind, rain and so much more. That resilience is often tested during a hailstorm. As an accredited insurance adjuster navigating the aftermath of such weather events, understanding the nuances of hail...
Wind Damage Claims
How Accredited Claims Adjusters Handle Wind Damage Claims When a powerful windstorm tears through your property, leaving a trail of damage in its wake, navigating the insurance claim process can feel like the wind is blowing you around. Understanding the intricacies of wind damage assessment and navigating policy terms can...
Can Candles Pose a Significant Fire Hazard?
Indoor Fire Hazards and Candles Candles of all shapes and sizes add ambiance and can quickly make a dreary winter day cozier. As a popular gift, there’s a good chance you have at least two different kinds of candles in your home. Candle fires pose a significant risk to homeowners,...
Fire Evacuation Planning
Fire Evacuation Plan - Best Practices Having a well-thought-out family fire evacuation plan can mean the difference between chaos and a swift, coordinated exit to safety. Creating and practicing an evacuation plan doesn’t have to be time-consuming and ensures that every family member understands their role and knows how to...
Holiday Lights and Fire Safety
Ensuring a Safe and Festive Season: Tips to Prevent Holiday Lights from Causing Fires The holiday season often brings twinkling lights inside and outside homes and businesses. With every new social media trend that adds to the magical atmosphere can also come with additional dangers. It is critical for home...
Assessing Smoke Damage To a Home
How Accredited Claims Adjusters Assess Smoke Damage Smoke damage is an unavoidable consequence of fires, leaving a trail of destruction that extends far beyond the initial flames. When homes or businesses are impacted by smoke, the intricate process of assessment falls into the hands of Accredited Claims Adjusters (ACA). These...
House Fire From Deep Frying a Turkey
The Dangers of Deep Frying a Turkey Have you ever tried a deep fried turkey? If you haven’t you are surly missing out! Deep-frying a turkey promises a flavorful and less dry main dish on your Thanksgiving table. However, beneath the allure of a crispy exterior is a process potentially...
Fire Damage – Assessing For The Insurance Claim
How Accredited Claims Adjusters Assess Fire Damage When a fire of any size occurs in a home or business, it can be overwhelming to those involved. To assist those with the complex process of rebuilding and recovering, insurance policy holders work closely with accredited claims adjusters. These professionals evaluate the...
Liability Claims Adjuster & Injuries at Work
What Does a Liability Claims Adjuster Do, How Do They Help Claimants Injured On The Job? Liability claims adjusters play a vital role in the insurance industry and are critical in determining fault. These specialized adjusters help individuals and businesses navigate the complex world of liability claims. Their responsibilities are...